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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

new beginnings...

this past sunday, cindy, me, and a & l & c headed to abilene to officially meet with the southern hills church. it was a beginning of sorts.
they have two worship assemblies, so we went to the end of the first service, then class, then to the second assembly. in both assemblies the elders prayed for God's blessing on our family, and even on alpine, during this transition. they prayed for God to use us to help parents raise their teens in the Lord.
honestly it was kind of scarry, but we keep coming back to the idea that "it was not our idea to go there", and we gave God plenty of other options for us, yet time and time again, this was confirmed for us to serve God at the southern hills church. so it was a new beginning.
i think for the students there it was kind of weird. i mean, i had only met 5 or so kids before this weekend, and here i walk in and say... "i'm your youth minister...!" much like an arranged marriage.
there are some committed Christ-followers that love to help teens and are learning to serve in the youth ministry there... so i'm not in a panic.
two saturday nights ago, when we told our girls that we would be moving... we just didn't have all the words to say... i kept praying in between sentences for God to give me something. when we went to their room to get ready for bed, i picked up our narnia book (we're on the third one - voyage of the dawn treader) and told them that it's kinda like a new adventure for us. we're following aslan even when it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. when we do so, we find all kinds of new great friends and experiences. so far, that's held true.

there were about 20 of our alpine family there at church on sunday, due to homecoming and college students. they all have a special part of God's book He's writing at alpine. it's been a blessing to be with them.

our house hunting went ok... we found several houses that could be possibilities. we've kind of settled on one, but when the inspection comes back, we'll know if it's "the one". oh... and if the guy doesn't die of laughter at our offer, then maybe that will help it sell, too...!

please be praying for our house hunt, that it will be a place for our family to love each other, share God's love with visiting family, old friends, make new friends in the neighborhood, and to share Christ with our community. please pray for the sell of our house here in longview.

phil ware talked about Jesus being enough. if He is transitioning us from darkness to light, from death to life, then He alone is the power and satisfaction in that transformation.

so the question is ... what part of your life is transformed? we had small pieces of paper to write our stories on. mine was from "lost to found" (in the sense that i've been searching over the past year or two. "frustration to peace" (because of my feeling a sense of completion and not having a next step to take). i hope to begin to live out those broad words of "found" and "peace" with purpose and contagiously.

so... where has God been working in your life lately...?


Sarah said...

We kind of came to Abilene like you did -- not sure why He was leading us here, but positive He was leading. (and we still had to find a church home! :-) I clung to Hebrews 11:8 often: "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." I mean, we knew where our next step was, but not where we were going. So we obeyed and went. The life of following God -- of Jesus being enough -- is a weird one, isn't it?

Thank you for listening to God's call. I know it will bless many. Already prayed for your family today, don't mind doing it again...

royster family said...

GULP. Thanks for sharing that. I know you and the family will be blessed. More importantly, I know you will bless them as long as you stay transparent and stedfast in HIS calling an leading in your life. M. Royster (aka armpit)

Anonymous said...

Ricky - Our family is so excited that you and your family "answered the call" and took the leap of faith to come to Southern Hills. We have been praying that God would send someone who would walk with us in guiding our children to develop an authentic faith. We will continue to pray that the transition is a smooth one for your whole family!

Beckycita Peurifoy said...

Dear Ricky, I've watched you struggle with that next step and thank you for your example of how to search for what God wants not just what you want. We will miss you and your family. It's been awesome sharing a city with your family. love you - becky p.

jody said...

Well this is exciting for the Reese family! We just heard about your new "job" and we are so happy for you. I would love it if your new house was in the Taylor district--maybe I could teach one of your precious babies! Call us when you get, jody and jim

Tesa said...

Ricky, Cindy, Aubrey, Lolo, and Coop,

We weren't at church on Sunday when you made your announcement. We found out when one of the kids texted Jesse and then I texted Ricky. After reading your blog, I know God meant for me not to be there, because I'm sure I would have cried.

It reminded me of the trip to Mexico when we were getting ready to go and Ricky told Aubrey we weren't going to cry and all I could think of was "I just won't sit with y'all!!"

Your job at Alpine has been serving our youth, but you have done so much more. My life has been touched by every member of your family in some way or another.

I know that you will bless many lives in Abilene, just as you all have done here. I hope maybe we can coordinate mission trips and end up in Mexico or somewhere else together, Serving with you has helped not just Jesse, but me also. I have witnessed a true servants' heart.

May God bless you all. You will be in our prayers.

Rusty and Ann said...

Hey.. so you finally sold out.. Good for you. I was hoping you'd be there when I got back but all good things.. you know. We love yall and hope good things for you.

Jessica said...

We are going to miss you all so much. I am praying for a smooth transition for everyone! I will miss your sweet girl's faces and the fun they bring everywhere they go. I will miss their imagninations and their free spirits to do and be so many different things. I pray you find a new house that you love, and that your house here sells quickly. You will be missed.